Bags to give back

help our neighbors

WHat I Do

Bags to Give Back is a food drive initiative designed to get food to people struggling with food insecurity. I execute these food drives by dropping off plastic bags with fliers at the doorsteps of houses in town. These fliers ask the homeowners to leave food in the bag on their front porch to be picked up on a specified collection date. The donated food is then taken to a food pantry after being carefully looked over for expiration dates and open packaging. These food drives are done in this manner to make food donations convenient so that more people will donate. 

vegetables, fruits, fresh-5907330.jpg

My Mission

Through my series of food drives, I aim to help provide food for people and families from all over New Jersey. By leaving bags and fliers at the doors of homes in my community and neighboring communities I hope to make food donating convenient for people who may not be able to donate otherwise. All donations that I collect are donated to food banks within New Jersey, most notably the Community Food Bank of New Jersey.

Why Donate?

Food insecurity is a very prevalent issue in America and the best way to see improvement in our communities is to donate as much as we are able to. According to the USDA food security report, 33.8 million Americans, roughly 9 million of which were children, lived in food-insecure households during the year 2021. That number was similarly echoed in the USDA’s reports from 2019 and 2020. We have the power to promote and provide stable resources that can help families struggling with food insecurity gain access to healthy food. As the United States faces high inflation rates and economic uncertainty food donations will prove to be even more vital than they were in years prior.